Luxembourg: “ready to support the recognition of ecocide”

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Responding to a recent parliamentary question, Luxembourg’s Minister of Foreign & European Affairs Jean Asselborn and Minister for the Environment, Climate & Sustainable Development Carole Dieschbourg made clear that Luxembourg would be “ready to support the recognition of ecocide in European and international law when the time comes.”

The ministers’ joint response showed a clear knowledge of recent international developments concerning a crime of ecocide: “We are aware of the fact that, since 2019, initiatives have multiplied”.  They noted in particular that Belgium raised the issue directly at the International Criminal Court last December.  

While suggesting it is a little early for Luxembourg to engage in the creation of a domestic law of ecocide, the Ministers observed that France, Belgium and Spain have all resolved to examine the possibilities for such legislation. They promised that the government would continue to “follow developments in this area in neighbouring countries.”


French government’s apparent confusion demonstrates why ecocide should be an INTERNATIONAL crime


Canadian Government to “follow closely” global conversation on Ecocide.