About Us


Climate Counsel is a non-profit outgrowth of Global Diligence LLP, a public interest legal advisory firm specialising in human rights, war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide.

Global Diligence lawyers first engaged in the inter-section between environmental destruction and international criminal law when investigating the crimes against humanity in Cambodia, rooted in the mass land grabbing and environmental destruction. 

Climate Counsel was established to enable international lawyers to help address the climate emergency, by using their expertise in transnational crime and human rights protection. We partner with forensic architects, photographers, and scientists to build rigorous case-files and to present publicly our evidence.




Executive Director: Richard J Rogers

Richard J Rogers worked as a barrister in London, an attorney in San Francisco, and a senior United Nations lawyer at several UN war crimes tribunals – he was the Senior Legal Officer at the Appeals Chamber of the UN Tribunal for Yugoslavia, Principal Defender at the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia, and Chief Legal System Monitor in Kosovo. Richard has particular expertise in the cross-section between international criminal law and mass environmental destruction, and testified to this issue before the US Congress. He is a founding partner of Global Diligence LLP, an international legal advisory firm specialising in international crime and human rights. Richard is on the advisory board of the Stop Ecocide Campaign and a Trustee of Sophia Point Rainforest Research Centre (Guyana). He has lived and worked in Africa, Asia, America and Europe. Richard was Deputy Co-Chair of the Independent Expert Panel for the Legal Definition of Ecocide, that released the proposed definition on 22 June 2021.


Supervisory Board

 Panel of Advisors


Lead Lawyer: Paulo Busse


Paulo Busse is a Brazilian lawyer with over 20 years’ experience advising and representing human rights and environmental organisations, such as Greenpeace (Brazil), Observatório do Clima, Global Witness, Amazon Watch, Stockholm Environment Institute, Global Canopy, and others. In collaboration with other lawyers, he has spearheaded a number of cutting-edge legal actions to protect the environment in Brazilian courts, including: A case before the Federal Supreme Court demanding the resumption of the Climate Fund; a case before Federal Courts to force the Government to correct Brazil’s Nationally Determined Contribution under the Paris Agreement (filed on behalf of Brazilian young leaders with the aid of Observatório do Clima); a case before the Federal Supreme Court to compel the Government to use massive financial resources unjustifiably frozen at the Amazon Fund.





Investigators and Analysts