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Ecocide Law and Climate Justice

Partner event at COP26

Independent collaborative event which took place during COP26 in Glasgow.

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Ecocide Law and Climate Justice

Goodwill and ambition alone are insufficient to provoke the profound changes in practice required to face the global climate and ecological crisis, and those least at fault continue to suffer the most. Could an international crime of ecocide create the legal and moral parameter that is currently missing to protect the living world and begin to redress that balance?


UK Shadow Lord Chancellor and Shadow Secretary of State for Justice

Director of Campaigns, Global Witness

Co-Founder & Executive Director, Stop Ecocide International

Founder and Managing Director of ClientEarth Germany.

Executive Director, Climate Counsel


Laura Gyte

Head of Future Law Portfolio, FILE Foundation

Partner organisations:

November 9

Ecocide: uniting behind a law to protect people & planet

November 12

Stop Ecocide at COP26 - progress and future steps.