Water System

Step by step guide

  1. Test, don’t guess

I always recommend testing your water source as well as your water filtering system. Tap Score is the only home water testing service to apply toxicological and epidemiological research, unbiased treatment matching, and health risk analysis to your water's contaminant profile in order to give you a full picture of how your drinking water affects your health. This way you don't waste money on treatment that doesn't do what you need.

2. Filteration: The purest water

Pure Water Distiller

While thre are many filtration options such as carbon based and reverse osmosis, the distillation process guarantees the cleanest water. If you live near hazardous wastes, industrial, pesticides, or nuclear sites, I highly recommend distilled water.

Pure Water is a distiller company that has been around for a long time with the best warranty and customer service. Once you invest in their water system, it will last you decades! Choose quality over quantity.

Pure Water system constructed with top-quality, stainless steel to provide years of dependable service with minimum maintenance. It is air-cooled and equipped with a unique timer to stop automatically at the end of each distilling cycle. The unit has continuous self-sterilization when in operation and is equipped with a removable boiling tank for easy filling and cleaning. A safety shut-off switch turns the unit off should it ever overheat.

I personally own a Mini Classic Countertop as I have all the other water systems mentioned here. For an average household, I recommend Midi Classic or AquaNui 8G.

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Please note: if you plan on drinking only distilled water, I highly recommend structuring the water as well as adding minerals.

3. Structure

Structured Water Device

Our body is mainly water. There’s nothing more important than hydration. In fact, Nobel Prize Winner, Dr. Alexis Carrel said ‘the cell is immortal. It is the fluid in which it floats which degenerates.’ So hydration is key to our longevity to vitality.

In the 21st century, we are constantly fearful of toxins in our environment and our main focus with water is filtering. However, the most important key to water that actually hydrates us depends on its structure. Structured water is what allows true intracellular hydration. There are two books that I recommend regarding water: 1) You are not sick, you are thirsty by Dr. Batmanghelidj. 2) The fourth phase of water by Dr. Pollack.

One of the most dangerous toxins we are dealing with is man-made EMFs. The simplest way to explain this is because EMFs dehydrate us. They drain water from our mitochondria. The best to neutralize the negative effects of EMFs is nature and true intracellular hydration. Hydration does NOT come from quantity nor filtration of the water, but its structure. Only pure and well-organized, structured water can fight the oxidative stress from EMFs.

The most affordable and convenient structured device is analemma.

4. Remineralize

Please visit my Fullscript dispensary and see under the category salt for recommendation.


The best drinking water system

Ecosystem in a box

(filtered + mineralized + structured+ hydrogenated)


  • The most advanced and personalized filtration

  • The most unique structuring technique

  • Ionized Minerals

  • The most dissolved hydrogen water

Spring Aqua takes regular tap water and creates water that is clean, hydrating, and life-promoting. Their filters remove all harmful chemicals and contaminants, but that’s only the beginning. In addition to properly structuring the water, SpringAqua boosts its power by adding dissolved molecular hydrogen, which is stabilized, unlike tablets and ionizers.

Hydrogen enhanced water is a powerful antioxidant. Spring Aqua water has a hydrogen concentration of 1.4 to 1.6 ppm/L. One liter of water may be equal to consuming 750 bananas, or 35 carrots, or 4 bags of spinach in antioxidant value. If you noticed the similarity between the terms hydrogen and hydration, that’s because hydration is all about getting the hydrogen into the cells. The dense, organized molecular structure is what allows that hydrogen to be effectively taken in and utilized.

The third element missing in most filtered water is the minerals that get stripped out. Spring Aqua replenishes them in a bio-available ionized form.

SpringAqua uses no electricity, no plastic bottles, and no water is wasted. It is an award-winning eco-friendly product (recognized by the WIIPA World Invention Intellectual Property Associations) and certified by SGS, the world’s largest provider of inspection, verification, testing, and certification services. SpringAqua filter certification data is publicly available.

SpringAqua customizes according to the number/ household, your location, and your water source. For more information, click here!


Whole house, shower filters, and gravity feed filters

Depending on your budget and the number of household members, you may need other options. Greenfield is my go-to for other water options such as gravitiy feed system, shower filter, and whole house system. They are a family owned company who deeply care about both human and planetary health.

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