We shape our avatars, and our avatars, in turn, shape us.

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In Federica Di Pietrantonio's work, The Sims becomes a mirror world, a proto-metaverse through which the artist’s practice is both duplicated and extended, in the McLuhanian sense that media are extensions of our senses and organs. In Voyeurism (2019), the daily life of the artist also known as Federica is reenacted with/in The Sims, through the mundane performance of her avatar. She takes a bath, she exercises, she rants and raves, she dances. 

As in several other her works, the ‘action’ takes place in the lavatory, which doubles as a gym, a dance floor, and a studio. Voyeurism's repetitive 'narrative' mirrors the uneventfulness of the artist' daily life. Nothing salient happens and the artist even briefly disappears from the frame. Then, she's back in action to mop the floor, send a text, listen to the music. The video lasts approximately fifteen minutes, but could go on forever, as in a live simulation… 


Matteo Bittanti

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