Tarot for Vocation | Masterclass with Camelia Elias


We are not four and people don’t ask anymore: ‘what do you want to be when you grow up?’ Fair enough. But do we ever stop thinking about it? The Tarot for Vocation masterclass addresses this question by looking at the premise for what makes us keep asking the question about our inclinations, even as we may already be in well established careers.

Learn to think in more nuanced ways about honoring a vocation, answering a calling, or following a life path. In 15 readings featured in this masterclass, I read the cards to identify personality types, and distinguish between timing, channels of manifestation, and contextual functions of applying skills to inclinations.

Among the topics explored, I talk about chance, condition, choice, typology, strategy and skill, acting in chronos and kairos time, memory, talent, spreads and structuralism, doing what you love, and being a pro at what you hate.

This masterclass was released on August 29, 2022, and it was followed by a live Q&A + training on September 4, 2022. You get links to the following: the prerecorded video presentation (1 hour 35 min), the pdf presentation (32 pages), the interactive pdf (with simulating the shuffling of the cards) and the live Q&A + training session (1 hour 42 minutes).

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What they say

I just watched your masterclass, and indeed a show of mastery it was. – MARCO FELGUEIRAS


I just watched the first 40 minutes! I only stopped to brew some more green tea. Tarot for Vocation is FUN! Thank you for offering this excellent masterclass. – MASCHA COETZEE